Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws.
Project Description
الثعابين هي زواحف ممدودة ، بلا أرجل ، آكلة اللحوم من رتيبة الثعابين. مثل جميع القرفصاء الأخرى ، فإن الثعابين عبارة عن فقاريات خارجية للحرارة مغطاة بمقاييس متداخلة.